Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fairytales Have Happy Endings

We met in April...
Here we are in December and I remember back in April
wondering whether we would still know eachother come the holidays?
The holidays are here and although he is
in my heart...
in my head...
in my dreams...
in my thoughts...
AND in my prayers...
He is not here. Not physically here.
I believe!
I believe this will work out for the best and he will come home to happiness again.
I believe this has made our love stronger!
I believe it will grow him and grow me and grow us!
It is definitley growing our love!
A love like we always dreamed of and now we finally have.
A love that NO ONE can take away!
No matter how far he is or how long he is gone...
No One can take away what I feel for him or what he feels for me!
No One can weaken what we have or what we feel for eachother.
We are a Fairytale and Fairytales Always Have Happy Endings!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Wouldn't Change a Thing

This year has been CHAOTIC and I wouldn't change a thing
because it led me to where I am today...
I am in a place...
A very incomparable place with a man I love...
I have written about fear and sadness and unhappiness and uncertainty...
And this is about Love and Happiness and Certainty and Courage
You hear of couples that say
"I can sit in a room with him and be content, completely happy..."
You hear of couples that literally can't live without the other...
One passes from illness or age and the other goes shortly after...
You see couples in restaurants or movie theatres or on the sidewalk or walking in a parking lot that can stop you dead in your tracks because you can feel their passion for each other as they stop in mid walk to hug or kiss or talk face to face with smiles and sparkle...
You dream of a someone when you're growing up as you're growing up and time continues to pass and you begin to wonder if you're dream in unreachable or impossible...
UNTIL the "impossible" happens...
I think I'm still in shock :)
To have the desire to do something anything everything for someone...
Love Desire Passion
To be exhausted and get a second wind because it means you get to do something anything everything with someone...
Love Desire Passion
To love the fact that you can sit across from them at dinner and be so eager to get them home as quickly as possible so you can... well you know ;)
Love Desire Passion
What a year it has been Such trials and tribulations
So much drama and despair but
I Wouldn't Change a Thing because
it led me to someone that makes me feel
Love Desire & Passion

Monday, October 26, 2009

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover???

Ok, so perception is reality!

I heard a Really Hot Guy say this the other day and I giggled because it's something I have realized, thought and said for some time.

Attitude Demeanor & Facial Expression are all ways that people "judge a book by it's cover." So for me, I'm typically labeled as bitchy or mean.... or... bitchy or mean... or... SOL

Seriously, it's always the same when people judge me based on initial perception.
No worries.... I have learned to redeem myself.

So I've recently been introduced to several new people and so far 2 of the people (women of course) have mis-judged my personality and/or attitude. Funny thing is if I judged them based on their interaction with me... they would be bitchy or mean too.

Just a little run down on me...
If I could save the world I would... That pretty much says it...

Example: I remember how it felt when I first starting working at the salon. The staff were umm... horrible! I'm going to just leave it at that. Anyway, I had to start at the bottom of course and everyone wanted to be my boss and tell me what to do and not think or care about the way they would tell me what to do and so not only was I trying to learn my job I was also trying to learn who I could rely on or trust or talk to... I was trying to learn everyone as individuals because "team" was non-existent... It Sucked!!!

Oh how things have changed. I run the salon totally different to avoid anyone from ever feeling what I felt...

Although I am notorious for " judging a book by it's cover," but I don't rule anything or anyone out until the times is right (you just know when that is). I rarely base my overall decision to friend someone purely based off perception or even first impression. Maybe it's because I know how I'm usually perceived or maybe it's because I have a better understanding than most in regards to people and how they interact with each other??? Working with the public for a living definitely has something to do with it.

"Guilty until proven innocent..."

This is interesting... This is what happens if I'm not paying attention to my interaction with others, but like I said, I have learned to redeem myself ;)I am aware that I have certain facial expression and demeanor that send the wrong message. I'm just not aware of when I'm doing it.


I guess this can be a new goal for me??? :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Easier Said Than Done

I was having a conversation with a friend today...
I briefly wrote about her in
"There Are Worse Things In Life"
Anyway, the usual "how you doing" type conversation came up and of course her reply involves being unhappy about choices she has made. Her life seems to be in constant transition... Well, I don't know if this has been much of a transition for her because she keeps doing the same things with the same people and continues to feel the same way because... her words exactly
"I'm scared of change Ang.."
I felt somewhat foolish replying the way that I did considering the way I've been over the last few weeks, but I remembered how good it felt to have someone say things that are true... realistic... positive... etc.
By the end of the conversation she was saying thanks and smiling.
I guess no matter what you've been through if you have encouraging words or reminders it's best to share.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

There Are Worse Things In Life

I have had the pleasure of being a leader a guide a mentor, whatever you want to call it, in so many lives.
It's so awkward trying to be that person to someone when you should be listening to your own advice...
A friend who has struggled her entire life to get one step ahead of the game, busts her ass to make things happen for herself or her children... who just wants to build a happy life with someone she can take care of and they will do the same in return... for her children to have the life she never did when she was growing up... the list goes on... I've been in touch with her over the last few days and she's not doing so well. Every time I hang up the phone I realize...
There Are Worse Things In Life...

When I drive home at night I see so much poverty and hunger and lost souls roaming the streets of the city or all piled on a sidewalk to get some rest or visiting with each other on this one corner I pass every night... Last night there were two men sitting on this particular corner, they seemed like that were having such a deep conversation. I wonder what they were talking about??? I'll bet it was something incredible, intelligent and intriguing... I see this everyday and every night now that I live in the city and everyday and every night I see it... I realize...
There Are Worse Things In Life...

How about the woman who rarely sits in my chair to have her hair done because she spends all her time and her energy raising her children and her children's children... Her entire family takes advantage of the fact that she will never tell them no. When she sits in my chair, she unloads. I hear about the neglect towards her and her grandchildren and the struggle she suffers with finances and health issues and all the things she wishes she would have done different and the curiosity she has in regards to how her life could've been different...
There Are Worse Things In Life...

How about the children in this world that never have love or mothers or daddies??? How about the children that are "ruined" because of neglect and will grow up to become disturbed troubled adults that make horrible decisions the rest of their lives because no one cared enough to teach them any different...
There Are Worse Things In Life...
How about the girl I work with??? She had an amazing relationship with her daddy and he recently made the decision that she is no longer his daughter! He dis-owned her if you will... This is killing her on the inside... to add to the stress she is struggling to finish her last semester of school so that she can start her career. Daddy would normally have been there to have her back and give her support, but no more... I have my Daddy so I know...
There Are Worse Things In Life...
Ooh... how about where I was 1 year ago???
There Are Worse Things In Life...
How about the poor???
How about the men and women that leave their family and homes to fight in a stupid war???
How about the families that are effected by a stupid war???
How about those that lose husbands or wives or children or siblings or parents or any family member they hold close to their hearts???
How about those that lose someone they love and never get the chance to tell them how they really feel... I Love You or Goodbye???
How about those who have diseases that are not only incurable, but deadly???
I guess when you get down or lost or confused or scared or sad... Just remember...
There Are Worse Things In Life!!!


So last month was crazy... stressful... out of control... unpredictable... heart wrenching (literally heart hurting kinda hurt)... confusing... scary... sad... All in All Unstable!

Things are changing...
I have avoided reading specifics to avoid the possibility of being hurt worse, but I made the decision to read today with the hopes that the hurt would help. It's possible my idea may have been the right decision.

I'll never fully understand how 2 beings that are so different are supposed to be united in some way shape or form. Whether it's marriage or dating, how is man and woman the "ideal" couple?
(umm...let me make my self clear when I say... No I'm not changing teams! :)

Maybe I only question it because I haven't found the right man for me? If someone makes me happy and loves me I am willing to do anything for that person. Man or woman and in any form of relationship.

I am an honest person a loyal person an intellegent person a sincere person a positive person an ambitous person...

I want to be with someone who is all of these things back without hesitation or doubt.
I don't think that being with someone is a must, but I am a human being and we naturally get lonely and long for companionship.

I like the direction my life is headed ahora...
I am very pleased with the decisions I've made this year...

I am excited about my future and I know that certain things have not taken place in my life and have taken place in my life because it's all a process of becoming stronger and becoming the person I'm destined to be!

There is a plan for me and in this plan will be great people and great affairs. It's already happening. I've had some incredible conversations with incredible people over the last few days!
"if you take the ica off the end of your name and put it in the front it says i c a angel..." How sweet is that?!?!? :)

I made a few decisions today and all of them were based on me and my needs. I can't change the way people percieve me, but I can change the way I percieve me and I'm worth more than this...
There isn't a remote in the world that could rewind my life, change it and make it any better than it is right now.
2009 has been absolute chaos! Exciting, sad, scary, intriguing, but all in all I've survived every curve ball that's been thrown my way and I'm confident I'm surviving this one...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A month has gone by and all month I have mixed up my days, hours even the month. I'm reading everything below and it's amusing how far my emotions have come since I started writing.

The past few days have been so strange. My head in one place, my heart in another, reality doing one thing and my emotions were trying to avoid it.

A decision was bound to be made and I almost made the decision myself, but didn't get a response from a conversation I tried to start. It was supposed to lead in to my decision making.
That's ok though, I don't know if I would have gone through with it. Either way a decision has been made to move forward, turn the page, head in to the next chapter...
I forsee my next chapter being so different from this last one. Not better or worse just totally different.

I have discussed my reality over and over and now I'm just exhausted. Last week was amazing and there was hope and the word "when" instead of "if" was used. I had a feeling that these past few days would slowly flush all of the ""when" away and the "if " would manage to take over. Funny what time does to people and emotions and decisions.

Sad... yes
Hard... yes
So many things we never got to do...
And wow!!! 6months...

I'm nervous about where my emotions are headed, but I'll feel better when they get to a different place. Somewhere other than where they are now.



Monday, September 28, 2009


I avoid doing or saying sometimes to avoid reactions that I don't want or situations I don't want or emotions I don't want, but in reality, things I don't want...
still happen *sigh*
My instincts have always been right. They seem to be wrong in regards the this matter, every time I think I know, the complete opposite will happen...
I want a remote control...
It only needs to have 2 buttons...
Play & Fast Forward...
No Pause! No Stop! No Rewind! No Record!
Just Play & Fast Forward.
Is this too much to ask for???
Two Buttons?
What if I promise to press each one only ONCE???

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Pulls the collar of your shirt up over you chin when your sitting on the couch or laying in bed...

Becoming the person you want to be...

Happy in every facet of life, but 1...

Passionate about life...

Enjoys making people happy, especially the one you love...

Loves to dance...

Loves to laugh...

*wrote and never posted...

Just In Case You're Wondering

Was that unexpected?


Was that totally amazing?

Beyond my imagination!

Did I think it would ever happen again?

Can't say that I did.

Am I glad it happened?

You have no idea!

Have I wondered since then?

You bet!

Do I think about you any less?

Probably more!

Should I hesitate to think of you, write about you, dream about you, worry about you, see you or love you? Maybe. Perhaps. Possibly. Not quite sure.

Will I hesitate to think of you or write about you or dream about you or worry about you or see you or love you???

*something I wrote and never posted...


ok, so i'm not sure what frightens me more...
scary movies or dramas or love stories...
scary movies are just scary.
well, now they're just beyond scary, they're horribe!!!
dramas are sometimes scary because they're possiblities and real life situations and they make you think and wonder about your own life.
love stories are scary because...
so, this sounds strange right?
let me explain.

it took me forever to watch this movie because i heard it was sad.
a love story that's sad...
that's really scary!

when i finally watched the movie, of course i cried, but for a strange reason.
i cried because i wanted what the characters in this movie had.
funny thing, i was in a relationship and i was sad because i wanted to be in a relationship with passion and desire and love and lust and like and preference.
i was so far from that kind of relationship it made me really sad. i watched the movie at my parents house and of course cried during the movie, then again on the way home. well, i was going to my house, a great house with a decent life and a negative partner with whom i shared a horrible relationship. how scary and sad.

anyway, i'm watching this movie tonight and realized i won't be sad this time, not the way i was last time because i now know that the kind of love the characters share in the movie does exist and it is real. i have felt passion and desire and love and lust and like and preference and although this is relationship has a ... at the moment, i'm just really happy ive been able to experience these feelings with someone special.

he makes me feel like im in the movies a fairytale a dream a wish a preference.
in the movie the characters mother disagrees with their relationship because she says "she loves him too much..."
"loving too much" hmm...
i think the loss, regardless of how or why you lose, not the feeling, but the person who makes you have these feelings, that's what makes it scary.
To Have Loved and Lost
Than to Have never Loved
hard to swallow, but i think it's true...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Preference VS Need

"Adult Relationships based on Need are Vulnerable..."
"Adult Relationships based on Preference are Strong..."

So this past Sunday was an emotional day. Obviously I am in the middle of ''something'' emotional and through this last month, my mother has taken the brunt of all my...
I guess we can call it...
"Manic Behavior."
My moods have been on a roller coaster!!! This entire year has been quite a ride, but maybe we'll discuss that later?
Anyway... back to this "Manic Behavior." I really don't know what else to call it. I think I've hit the nail on the head with "Manic Behavior!"
I keep saying it in my head and it sounds umm...
Manic! LOL
If you know me, you know that I have self control, I am positive, confident, strong willed, ambitious etc.
So, to think my behavior seems Manic is... absurd!
I am human, I have emotions and I express my emotions, but September has been unimaginable!
A few things to consider...
#1 What I am experiencing is... I'll be vague and say... IT SUCKS!!!
#2 I did start taking Birth Control earlier this month, enough said right?
(*sigh* i hate taking meds!!!)
#3 My Love Interest... denrelototx... This Someone... He... Him...
My relationship with him is??? ...

I have felt like a "Crazy"!!!
One of the "crazy" girls that you and I both know exist and are quite common. We have all met not just one, but several in our lifetime. I don't consider myself to be common or crazy and all I've been doing is behaving like a "crazy"...
Oh NO!!! I've been a "common crazy girl!!!"
So back to Sunday...
I decided to hang out with my brother. I was finally ready for a small change of environment and in need of some new faces. I felt my brother's company would do the trick and it did :)
After being at his home for a little while (he was watching the game and I was reading my book and tuning into the exciting plays when they happened) he finally asked, "So what's been going on?..."
I was strong enough to give him a brief explanation in regards to my recent distance and behavior. He started talking to me about a communications class he is taking and referred to some notes he had written down. On this page were several intriguing topics, but what immediately caught my attention was
"Adult Relationships based on Need are Vulnerable..."
"Adult Relationships based on Preference are Strong..."

Whoa!! Wow!! and WTF!?!? all ran through my mind!!!
Earlier that day I read my horoscope and it stated...
"You should be going through some strange mental upheavals today -- but they're almost all good for you! Expect some weirdly symbolic moments and deeply resonant conversations throughout the day."
I don't think I need to explain my reaction now, right?
The two "adult relationship" statements kept replaying in my head and I realized why everything I was going through seemed heightened.
#1 and #2 reason played a role, but my Preference VS my Need explained #3.

I kept asking myself...
Do I need him? or Do I prefer him?
Do I need him? or Do I prefer him?

The past 5months were flashing through my mind... everything we have experienced together, everything we've been through, decisions we have made, people we have met, emotions we have discovered and ignored and accepted...
All of it just played through my mind and I realized I don't Need him, I Prefer him!

I've Needed someone before...
Live and learn!
I learned!

I was in a Need relationship for WAY too long... I needed the security. I think it really all boiled down to security. Fearing other possibilities and not taking into consideration that Preferred Possibilities were possibilities too!

ANY Relationship I'm in...
I Prefer
I prefer to keep most people acquaintances and some people friends
I prefer to have strength in my relationships
I prefer to be with "This Someone"
because of the strength I feel in every facet of our relationship.
So my preference to be in an "Adult Relationship" explains my "manic behavior" or what I'd rather call (after coming to this realization) my "Strong Reaction"

I'm not... :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

This Someone Is Someone Special

A few days ago I wrote someone a letter.
I spent the afternoon with this someone and it was...
Really, I can't think of any other word...
We met for lunch and we greeted eachother with the sweetest hug.
Everything about time just stood still.
(you hear people say these words & you think...
just words because you don't get it... now I get it :)
This is what I was talking about when I wrote in this someones letter
"I never thought you existed... you're the man I imagined when I was little..."
Moments like this hug and the feeling I got when I looked up and this someone was staring at me and the feeling i got when this someone gently brushed his hand on my face and pushed my hair back like he couldn't see enough of me or when we got up to from the table and this someone wrapped his arm around my waist and when this someone pressed his face up against mine as he was standing behind me and when this someone reached for my hand as we left the restaurant...
Public display of affection used to drive me crazy, make me anxious and unhappy. (another interesting fact about us... this someone knows what this means)

Not with him though! I look forward to anything this someone does to me, for me, with me...

This Someone makes time stand still...
This Someone makes my heart melt...
This Someone makes me happy...

I think I lived for the moment today...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hard Decisions

So tonight a decision was made... a difficult one at that.
I contemplated how I would handle the call that would eventually take place. Actually, I contemplated taking the call at all and if I took the call how would I behave. Not how should I behave, but how would I behave.
Last night was the first time I felt anger for a consistent amount of time since some unfortunate circumstances have unravelled. Well, I felt angry for a brief moment the other day while having a conversation via IM and I immediately felt horrible and wanted to take it all back, so I did just that.
I'll never understand a fighter... You know the UFC fighters or boxers or wrestlers? They hurt other human beings physically... for a living... I can't hurt someones feelings much less hurt them physically. Except once I punched (ex idiot #1) a guy in the face! I must admit it felt INCREDIBLE! but he deserved it of course :l
Back to the Hard Decision...
So, while contemplating and feeling angry I tried putting the things I want aside and considering the things I don't want and putting them into perspective. I don't want this relationship to become hateful or negative. Nor do I want either of us to feel regret or resentment. These are all feelings and possibilities for both parties if we don't handle the situation with the same maturity and honesty as we have managed to do over the last 5 months.
I thought to myself... "if somethings not working, change it... as hard is it's going to be, maybe distance is best... you can't control the things that are supposed to happen..."
Today came and although I thought long and hard about what needed to happen, I was still anxious about this call because there were some things that were stated that had my feelings in an up roar! I didn't want to react! But, I kinda did...
I hate that I did, I wish tonight's conversation would have gone a little smoother especially since I'm not sure when we will talk again. As much as I try to absorb and "take it all in'' before I speak my mind or react to something or anything for that matter, I guess I'm still human. I still have emotions and ideas and hopes and wishes and feelings and needs and desires and all of these things can take over from time to time and make us behave out of character. I just hope he realizes that. I considered texting, but for some reason couldn't bring myself to do so. I felt like I would have interrupted...
It's funny how 2 people have so much in common, but handle certain situations so different. Hmm... is this another mystery?
So the Hard Decision was to stop communicating. *sigh*
Guess we'll see what happens?...

Thursday, September 17, 2009


My career and success in my career is an area in which I've never feared or doubted. I think I just came to this realization tonight?
About two months ago, I was asked to write a business proposal. When the requests came out of his mouth, I immediatley thought "What the hell am I going to write? We've been discussing partnership for the past couple years, what does he think I want?"
The moment I started writing, the ideas just came to me and the words dispersed across the page as though I had been contemplating my future for as long as I've been alive. It was the strangest thing, but it was exciting!
So, before me I saw in black and white, my future. I didn't doubt or fear my ideas or intent. Since I was in grade school, I always just new I would be successful in my career. Anything less than excellence was just unacceptable.
I really thought this way when I was that young... Crazy!
Anyway, my career has blossomed rapidly. This proposal was presented to the VP of my company about a month ago and this weekend I will be presenting ideas and proposals to the Houston Education Team.
The image I had when I was young, the one of me being great at business regardless of the form of business, I would be amazing! Well, that image is about to implode into success. Success beyond my expectations and clearly my expectations are high.
I'm intrigued with my attitude and confidence in this area of my life. I've never feared or doubted my abilities, loyalty, passion, worthiness or desire in this area of my life.
Why has it been so easy for me to see clearly in this area, but I struggle in others?
Modern Mystery!!! For me anyway...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

To: denrelototx

I can remember the first time I saw your picture on my screen. It's still my favorite picture of you, the one where you are hugging DC. I had an idea of what you might be like just from looking at that picture and I must say... You exceeded my imagination :)
I never thought you existed.
What I mean is, you are who I've always imagined, the man who would do everything right, know what to say, when to say it. You're the man I imagined when I was a little girl and yes I imagined you because Boy was I Boy Crazy!
You make faces and noises that I can see and hear when you're not with me. I love it when you order for me and even though I have no idea what you're ordering, you get it right every time. I love how you're grip around my hand or my body never tapers even when you fall asleep. I love the way you giggle when you get excited about something. I love every personality you have and have enjoyed meeting everyone! I love it when you stand in front of me so I can rub your back. (no matter where we are) I love the way you love me!!!
I can remember the first time we kissed! It was perfection!!! The first date was just absurd, but I smiled for the rest of the day. I will never look at Olive Garden the same. Actually, I'll never look at chopsticks the same or cookie dough or pickles or cheese or cookies n cream ice cream or febreeze and every time I hear Boom Boom... LOL! I'm going to think of you!
You are amazing, brilliant, intelligent, pretty, surreal, affectionate, caring, angelic...
You are Perfect!
for me...
You will always have a piece of my heart!!!
The girl you're looking for exists... She dreams about you every night...

Love Always

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Call yours what you'd like... I like to call mine Daddy! :)

Tough as nails when we were young. I'm talking about the 6in, thick but sharp kinda nail that you didn't realize existed until you accidentally ran in to them at Home Depot while you were supposed to be searching for paint. (I got lost okay)

Daddy was "the threat!" You know the one you get from mom because you're misbehaving?Yeah... You know!
He was SO tough our relatives made him discipline their children. LOL

Well, we are all grown up now and all turned out to be quite amazing thanks to Daddy! Sweetest man you will ever meet :)

The sweetest words he's ever said to me...
"If you need me I'm here for you, I'm the one man in your life you can always count on."
I'll pause so you can wipe your tears...
Thanks Daddy! Those are words to remember and I will indeed :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Living for the Moment

Okay, so this may not be a mystery to all, but it's a mystery to some.
When you are utterly content, comfortable, happy, whatever you want to call satisfied, why is it so hard to live for the moment. Instead you wonder what will be when the hour is done, when tomorrow comes, how about this weekend or next week? Continuing to wonder until you exhaust every thought of what might be.

When you really do google Life there should be laws!
Laws to Life...
Living for the Moment should be a law and if you break this law someone should scream
"Stop Breaking the Law A**Hole!"
-jim carey
LOL... c'mon that's funny :)


Emotion = mystery
Not really, but is it ever!

Technically you can't hear or see them, only YOU can feel them, you can't control them, they can't be taken away from you...
Emotions are beyond a doubt, 100% YOURS!
Shouldn't we have a say so in regards to how they interact with our lives?

Mystery #4

Negative vs Positive

Maybe I should call this mystery #3?

I consider myself to be a positive person, but even I find myself feeling anxious about the "what ifs." I received a gift a few years ago, from a Negative, that's what we will call this person. The gift was a page out of a book that had been framed and matted. The story on the page was basically describing experiences or events the author would worry about on a daily basis. At the end of the page it reads "99% of the time the things we worry about never happen." More words to live by...

Humans are interesting when it comes to thriving on negativity. A very very dear person whom I hold close to my heart has been writing a blog and recently added some updates. One of his recent updates mentions some recent despair in a relationship and how it has him feeling kinda down. He tells me that everyone has been texting him asking "who is the person in the blog?" His question is "why are they so interested in my misery?"
I didn't have an answer at the time, but I later sent him a message that read, "It's funny how people thrive on the negative things... Like at work, you can count on an unhappy client blogging or calling headquarters about a 'bad experience' but how often does a 'completely satisfied' client blog or call about a "perfect experience" why do we ignore the positive and thrive on the negative?"

Most of my days I am the Positive, but it becomes difficult from time to time. The "what ifs" take over and you start to feel a little crazy. "Time heals the heart." Another good one. I guess we have to be patient, stay positive and remember that "99% of the time the things we worry about never happen."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thanks Mom

It's another mystery in life as to why there are zero requirements to becoming a mom. (note i didn't say mother)
Well, it does require SOME criteria...
To BE A Mom You Must:
be female
have the ability to bear child

For one of the most important (if not the Most Important) jobs in the world shouldn't there be a list a mile long? Something like...
To Be A Mother You Must:
be a female
have the ability to bear child, love unconditionally, teach, give direction and grow
be compassionate, benevolent, loving, great listener, warm, nurturing...

I guess the difference is being a mom versus a Mother.
Lucky Me!! I have a Mother. You know one of those women that were born to be Mother's. Very warm and welcoming in every way possible. She's one of very very few people I wish to surround myself when I'm down. She knows when to say anything or nothing, what to say or how to say it. One of the most comfortable places is laying in her lap while she strokes my hair and tells me "give it time," "everything will work itself out," "everyone handles things different," "it's all a part of life." Talk about security and comfort... She knows just how to make it all better.

She's even wonderful to be around when things are up. As we have grown to be adults, it's been fascinating creating such a bond with her as a friend as well.
Great Mothers create Great Families and I'm so fortunate to be a part of something so Great!

Where to Start?

I guess Life is a mystery???
It is inconstant and unsteady and yet we must adapt at all times... Ready or Not!
Not always ready, but that is another puzzling piece of the mystery.

Challenges are among us day in and day out, so shouldn't there be a manual or even a remote? Whether it's related to work or personal my only guide seems to be Life Experience. It's hard to receive direction when the experience is what seems to guide you.
Guide ME anyway!
No matter who informs me, warns me, directs me... the experience seems to be my best instructor. Why is this?
I'm not sure, but I do know as I contend each challenge that is thrown my way, I feel accomplished.

Some favorite quotes:
"Life's not about finding yourself, It's about creating yourself."
"Sometimes things get worse before they get better, but they always get better."
"Everything happens for a reason."

All words to live by, to remember, to recite, but all easy to forget when life throws you a curve ball. How about a curve ball that strikes you out?...

A great friend is the best answer. Some recent challenges have unfortunately been thrown my way and a great friend writes me a letter. Part of the letter she lists "7 steps" that I should expect from my feelings. WOW! was all I could think... For a brief moment the curve ball left my sight and I realized how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life. I guess being particular in regards to the people I surround myself has its pay offs? :)